After returning from a visit with our son in Ohio a few Sundays ago, we got a call the following Monday evening from our son telling us he has a mouse in his apartment. He said he was sitting on his couch and heard a scratching noise behind it and when he moved the couch, a 3 to 4 inch mouse ran into the kitchen. He was creeped out and not sure what to do.
Now we are 1000 miles away, and my husband and I were not sure how we were going to help him. I asked him where it was right now, and he said it was behind the dishwasher. As we were talking it was moving around in the kitchen from the dishwasher to the stove. He was afraid to move from his position in the doorway of the kitchen, because he thought standing there was the only thing keeping it in the kitchen, and he didn`t want to lose track of it.
Do you hear that scratching? |
Being a parent you want to do anything you can to help your child, but we had no idea how to help. We suggested he go to the hardware store and get a mouse trap, but he was under a winter storm warning, and didn`t want to go out in the weather. The maintenance hot line, told us it was not a maintenance issue, and we needed to call the office in the morning. I am sure you can imagine how well I took that answer. Our Son did not want to sleep in the apartment with a mouse running around.
We suggested he put peanut butter in some kind of container and wait and see if it comes out and catch it. My husband suggested he beat it with a hockey stick. Both of us knowing that a mouse would be way too fast for either of those scenarios. I hung up with him and called a exterminator to see if they would come over and get rid of it, but they could not come until the next day either. I am sure that was a weather related decision.
When I called our son back he said it was now on the counter top. This was all so weird to me because I have never known a mouse to come out in the open when there were people present if they could stay safely behind the appliances. I was so ticked off that I was paying for a really nice, second floor apartment, and he was having to deal with a mouse in the middle of winter.
A house mouse |
As we were talking he said he was able to put a bowl over it while it was on the stove top and then put a jar of peanut butter on top of the bowl to hold it in place. I guess that was one way to use the peanut butter, right?
Now how was he going to get it out of the apartment? New plans and all shot down! Do you have a piece of cardboard you can slide under the bowl? No, and it would be too stiff because the stove has a lip around it and he would have to lift the bowl too high risking the mouse getting out. Can you use one of your flimsy plastic cutting boards? No, they would be too flimsy to hold under the bowl to lift it up. Can you hold a box at the end of the stove top and push the bowl towards the box dropping the mouse in the box? No, it is not flat because of the lip around the top of the stove, so the box would lift up letting it escape. The only other thing we could think of involved actions we wouldn`t do, like turn on the stove top, or spray some type of poison into the bowl. Both would leave him with a big mess and not really viable choices. He just had to wait and have the office come over in the morning and remove the mouse.
Tuesday morning our son stopped into the office of the apartment complex and told them he had a mouse under a bowl on his stove and wanted someone to get it out of his apartment. He then went to class.
Hours later we get a text from our son "It wasn't a mouse, it was a mole".
He made the mistake of sending that text to his siblings too. Let the games begin!
Dad: Is that better?
Mom: They are gross looking, couldn`t you tell the difference?
Dad: Ooooooh, they have mole paws!
Son: I knew it didn`t look like a mouse, but I didn`t know how to identify it, so I just went with it.
Son: And no creepy tail
Son: why......
Mom: Lol
Son: I un friend you
Mom: That`s not how this works. That`s not how any of this works.
Son: Dakota (sister`s dog) would have thought it was delicious
Dad: Was the mole from (name of business competitor)?
Son: No, but I kid you not, I was eating guacamole when I saw it.
Sister: You caught it in the guacamole bowl?
Mom: lol
Son: No, I caught it in the pierogi bowl.
Dad: Mom and I think it was a hockey bag stowaway.
Sister: Sends the Austin Powers mole scene at https:/
Sister: He is a mole and he has a mole
Sister: Moley moley moley
Son: (to Brother in Tucson): Can you send me a snake for pest control, a ring tailed cat would probably work too.
Brother: A roadrunner would do the trick. We'll grab the next one we see.
Dad: Do moles have any natural enemies?
Son: Cold and Pierogi bowls
Brother: Also the CIA
Son: If he had not died, I would have named him Edward Snowed-in.
That is the the last word on the Mole/Mouse situation.