Monday, September 29, 2014

Signs, Signs, Everywhere There`s Signs

We went on vacation last week and that is always the time we notice all the funny signs along the road. I also get fun pictures from our kids while they are out and about the world. So, I though I would share some of them with you.

Unfortunately the one I loved the most, I did not get a picture of. We were on highway 98 through the Panhandle of Florida and saw a billboard that had a bald Realtor`s picture on it. This pictures was close to the top of the board and right on top of the board was a huge bird`s nest.The nest sat right on top of the man's head and it looked like he was wearing a wig. I would have loved to have taken a picture, but that would have required my husband to stop and turn around. Since we were on a record pace to get to our vacation, that was not going to happen, lol.

Here are the warning labels on cigarettes. Which warning do you think is more effective?

We stopped to get gas here and Got it done!

These office supplies were in an office in Korea. Read all the labels.

King of the Brews?

Really? Does that 1/2 mph make a difference?

A Cafe for drinking Chefs?

R2 Decaf? Where is Tea 3PO?

How rich do you have to be to have a gold ATM?

Maybe because of poor grammar?

I am hoping something got lost in the translation.

Is this Shaq`s shoehorn?

I know everything is big in Texas, but so are the discounts on jeans (texans) in Spain.

Yes, this was outside the Vets office.

I guess in Egypt the P is silent in Psalt

I think it would be cheaper to just buy the dumplings.

One of these thing is not like the others!

Texas stop sign! This explains a lot.

I get these all the time from my kids, and I am sure I will have another blog full in the near future.

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