Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Pop!

Columbus Day is here
I`m reading all the signs
There are sales in all the stores
Low prices and long lines

But, for my loving family
The date means so much more
Than 50 percent off 
At your favorite retail store

Our father was born October 12th
The official "Columbus Day"
And if he were still with us
He would be 92 today

His wife, his seven children
And all his grandchildren too
Carry his sweet memory
In everything they do

Remembering our Dad
On this day that he was born
With joy for his long life
But, yet we all still mourn 

His voice when he was singing 
The guitar strums when he played
His voice when he said he Loved You
These sounds will never fade

We Love you and we miss you Dad
And that will never stop
From all your loving family
Happy Birthday Dear Sweet Pop!

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